The huskier award
The Huskier Award is given annually to a person who has worked hard and made a outstanding contribution to
the Siberian Husky Club of Canada and/or the breed.
2018 No Candidate
2017 No Candidate
2016 Kris Brown
2015 No Candidate
2014 Kris Brown
2013 Marilyn Graf (post-humously)
2012 No Candidate
2011 Margaret Knight
2010 Elsie Chadwick
2009 Rosemary Hooker
2008 Beryl Ramey
2007 No Candidate
2006 No Candidate
2005 Joel Jamieson
2004 Peter & Judi French
2003 Elizabeth Stasiuk
2002 Brent Flood
2001 Karen Ramstead
2000 Heather Brennan
1999 Peter French
1998 Kim Dermo
1997 Sue MacGregor
1996 No Candidate
1995 Candace Cook
1994 Robbie Siddorn
1993 Sue Bain
1992 No Candidate
1991 No Candidate
1990 No Candidates
1989 Margaret Knight
1988 Kim Leblanc
1987 Kathy Thomas and Don & Rosemary Hooker
1986 Tara Misener and Wendy Barber
1985 Ruth Miller
1984 Rose Weir
1983 Ted Iliffe
1982 Marg Reiber
1981 No Candidates
1980 Don McEwe
1979 Wendy Fitzgerald
1978 Rose Weir
1977 Daune Proudfoot
1976 Tom & Marian Soper
1975 No Candidates
1974 No Candidates
1973 Elsie Chadwick